Sunday, December 3, 2017
Guess Who’s Back!
Hey y’all!! I’m back and I’m gonna do this thang!!
I’ve missed you and I have a TON to tell ya.
First of all, I’m going to start doing reviews again! (YAY!!)
I also have a bunch of personal things that I want to catch y’all up on.
Get ready, because it’s all starting TOMORROW!!!
Love & Light
💕 🔮
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Foot Injury, Surgery And Recovery {Graphic Pictures}
September 10th, 2015 was a normal day until around 8pm.
Around that time, we went over to the house next door, where my husbands brother used to live. He had told us that what ever he left we were welcome to have.
We went over and I sliced my foot opened on a thick piece of glass
This was right after they cleaned it in the ER.
The on call orthopedic wasn't sure what to do, so he stitched it up and gave me a referral.
When I went to see Dr. Hewitt a few days later, he told me that I had cut all but one tendon and nerve in my foot. He scheduled me for surgery a few days later.
This was after my first surgery.
Notice how my foot is bent in?
I fell and tore the tendons apart again.
If you do't know, nerves can't be stitched back together, they have to grow back.
I went into my second surgery October 15th.
He repaired the damage again, and put me in the hospital for 2 days.
I came home on a wound vacuum.
{That sucks out any fluid, infection and closed the hole left in my foot.
There was no skin to stitch together.
I was on the wound vacuum from October 15th until November 20th.
A nurse had to come out 3 times a week and change the dressing and put on a new tube.
Nasty, huh?
I was put on a walker and given a portable potty so I wouldn't have to walk far.
Pretty classy for a 34 year old, huh?
A few weeks ago, my doctor put me on a cane, but only when someone was with me.
{I have a pink one, duh!}
Right now, my foot still hurts, I can't bend it very far up and pointing it hurts, but not as much.
Yesterday, I went back and was given permission to drive and the scheduled my first Physical Therapy appointment for the 14th.
I know its going to hurt, since he gave me some 'Pre PT stretches' to do.
They suck!
Now, my scar looks pretty awful. It changes colors from black to purple to red.
I don't have a picture of that on my MacBook, yet,
You can see it on my Instagram Page.
My username is justjenn68
I'll update again after I see my Physical Therapist.
See y'all soon!
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Depression & Me: My Story
- 1.feelings of severe despondency and dejection"self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression.
- 1.feelings of severe despondency and dejection"self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression.
- My Story With Depression:
My depression started when I was 13 years old.My dad told me on my birthday that he always hated me and wish my mother would have aborted me when she had the chance.
Shortly after, my best friend in middle school (We'll call her C) committed suicide because her father was sexually assaulting her. I was heart broken.I tried to kill myself shortly after. I was sent to a mental hospital the next day.I stayed for a month and then was transferred to a place called Youth Focus for another year.
6 months after I was admitted at Youth Focus, my parents sent me a package that C sent me the day before she killed herself. It was a letter to me, and videos of her father abusing her.They thought that when it came, two days after her death, that I was too weak to see what was in it.I turned the tapes into the police & her father is still in jail for what he did to her.It was brutal .
When I went home, my dad started beating me with a 2x4 paddle that he made.I was out of school for weeks at a time because I literally could NOT sit down. I had to take baths on my stomach.I told teachers. I told the school nurse, but by the time I was allowed to go back to school, after a "serious illness", the bruises were gone and no one believed me.
I started running away then. I was 15 years old.They always seemed to find me and bring me back home.At that point, when they brought the police one time, I threatened to kill myself again and was put in another hospital under suicide watch.I was there for another 6 months.
After being released, my dad kept hitting me and I continued to run away.My parents started having everyone I stayed with arrested for Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor.
When I was 18 years old, my dad had his 2nd heart attack and I moved out.I dropped out of school 2 months before graduation.I moved in with a so called friend that stole things from me to buy drugs.So, I moved out. I moved in with a friend of a friend, and was doing pretty well, until I got sick from my birth control implant.
My only choice was to call my mom.I moved back in 1 day before Thanksgiving and decided to finish high school.I was put on a contract with the school and graduated in 2000.
I met & married the guy I thought I loved and ended up pregnant with in a few months. I found out he was cheating on me the whole time, and the depression hit hard again.
Skip ahead a few years, and I met my now husband, The Man.After 9 years together, my close friend from high school was killed in a car accident August 10, 2013. The depression came back hard. I started treatment and therapy, and it really seemed to help.....
Until December 8, 2014 when my dad died.I don't know why that hit me so hard.I hated him for what he had done to me, but I went to the hospital, prayed for him, and forgave him for what he had done.
Depression hit me again and my meds were changed. they didn't help, so they were changed 3 more times. When we finally had me feeling better, my husband and I got married at Myrtle Beach on August 22, 2015.
September 10th, 2015, I cut my foot really bad on a piece of glass. I had 2 surgeries to fix it, and was not allowed to walk without a walker, no pressure on my foot.I was stuck in a chair.
November 17, 2015, my best friend of 16 years (We'll call her J) died of a heroin overdose.She was 32 years old.She left behind a 9 year old daughter.My meds were changed again at the beginning of December.
Since then, my depression has never been this bad.It's hard for me to get out of the bed every day.I cry for her every day.I cry for her daughter every day.I miss her constantly.Every second of every day.I wish I could text her.I wish I could call her.I wish I could hug her one last time and tell her I love her.
I visit her parents as much as I can, but I haven't been cleared by my orthopedic doctor to drive yet, so it's hard to get there as much as I want to.
Depression is a really hard thing to deal with.You can't always tell when someone is depressed.It's easy to hide most of the time, but other times, it's written all over your face.
Now, it's all over my face.I'm not suicidal, but I don't think I will ever get over J's death.
I don't see my physiotherapist again until February, so my meds won't be changed before that.
Please, don't judge people.You never know what they may be going through.They may have a smile on their face while their heart is broken in two.
All my love:Jenn
Friday, December 18, 2015
It;s Been A Long Time, Blogger!
Hey guys! I've got a lot of free time on my hands, so I thought I would try this blogging thing again.
I haven't posted in over a year, and the reason for that is a whole 'nother blog.
Lot's has happened in the past year, so expect a lot of Update On Jenn's Life posts coming in the near future!
I just wanted to post to let everyone know (if I even have any followers left) that I'm back, I missed you guys & can't wait to talk to all of you again!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
DIY: Ballet Barre out of PVC
Hey guys! Long time no blog!!!
Did you miss me?!?I missed you!!
I have a great DIY for you today. Maybe my FIRST DIY?!?
What?!? Yup! I have turned into one of *those* ladies!!!
I make my own shit! (The Man helps! 😉)
So..... On to it!
The Ballet Barre!
I drew my plans and went to Lowes. Here's what I bought:
6 - 90 degree Elbow Joints
4 - T Joints
25 Feet of 1/4" Schedule 40 PVC (I got 5 5' poles)
Total price = $38 even
When we got home, The Man cut 6 12" pieces. 4 will be the feet and 2 will be the top supports. Starting with a elbow, go elbow, with a flat part touching the floor, 12" rod, T Joint, with the T facing up, 12" rod, elbow, with a flat touching the floor.
There! You just made the left foot!!!
Now do the same thing again. 2 feet!!!
Now, here is where I messed up. I had The Man cut 2 30" rods, which would be the bottom 2 supports. Now, that would have worked if I was an Amazon, but being 5'5..... It did not. The top bar was at my chin, swear.
They ended up being 19".
Basic rule is the top bar should be at your waist.
When you have the bottom 2 support rods cut correct, fit them in the feet T Joints and the add another T Joint on the tops.
at home,
Ballet Barre,
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Giveaway At Eden!!!
Hey guys and gals!
I know that it has been awhile since I *gushed* about EdenFantasys,
so, I thought I would come back with a vengeance with something great!
Eden is hosting an *amazing* giveaway at the Cafe!!
It's a Kits For Beginners Giveaway,
and it has some amazing prizes!
Six different kits to choose from, and three winners!
There are less than 4000 entries right now,
and there is still 4 days left to enter!!
You get 12 entries, and they are really simple!
Have Twitter?
That can get you up to FOUR entries!
Are you a fan of all the Eden FaceBook pages?
That can get you up to THREE entries!
Pinterest can get you TWO entries!
There is even a #EdenU Participation Entries
Take part in any forum discussion that has the hashtag
#EdenU and they will give you a bonus entry!
You can log in using your EdenFantasys screen name,
using Google, Facebook or Yahoo!
How awesome is that?!?
The great thing is, Eden has giveaways all of the time!
Make sure that you keep an eye on the EdenCafe page
for all of the incredible giveaways!

I am a blogger for the EdenFantasys website.
In exchange for this blog, the awesome people at Eden will send me a gift card.
using Google, Facebook or Yahoo!
How awesome is that?!?
The great thing is, Eden has giveaways all of the time!
Make sure that you keep an eye on the EdenCafe page
for all of the incredible giveaways!
I am a blogger for the EdenFantasys website.
In exchange for this blog, the awesome people at Eden will send me a gift card.
Monday, July 30, 2012
A Glimpse Into My Wish List
As you should know by now, I have an addiction.
An EdenFantasys addiction.
I sign on the site almost everyday, and always find a ton I want.
You should see my full wish list!!
You should see my full wish list!!
Like this:
[Also available in black.]
How stunningly beautiful is this dress?
My panty addiction is growing, again.....
These are amazing!
[I want the baby blue one's too!]
Plus, have you ever heard of a 'juicer'?
Oh. My. God.
I want one so super duper bad!!
I mean, I really think it would be the ultimate luxury sex toy!
Just look at it!
Plus, you can even order the Fifty Shades books from Eden!
[Only $15.95 each!!!!]
It really makes me wonder.....
What is on your EdenFantasys wishlist?
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