Fucking finally!
I have been waiting for Friday all week long!
You know what Friday means, right?!?!
[and Blog Stalk Friday!]

If you haven't heard, I'm a Bad Girl Blogger now,
so the Slut Code this week is:
As much as I hate to say it,
since I LOVE Friday,
FUCK YOU ~ Doctor that tried to send my IRL BFF home yesterday
AFTER her water broke! Are you even a real doctor?
[Natalya was born at 10:56pm on 11/09 she was 16 inches long]
FUCK YOU ~ Co-worker who thinks we are in high school.
I am a grown ass woman. If you have something to say,
you know where my desk is!
FUCK YOU ~ White car that tried to hit me Wednesday morning.
If you didn't know, you turn left from the LEFT lane,
and right from the RIGHT lane!
FUCK YOU ~ If you don't enter my Eden Giveaway!
FUCK YOU ~ If you don't play in my Ornament Swap!
and lastly,
FUCK YOU ~ If you don't link up!!
Huh my post from last weeks still up there. oh well I got a new post up if you want me to re-list, or whatever.
Yeah, I'm a loser and posted the linky from last week. New one is up now. I just don't know how to remove the old one...
I had a doctor who should not have been in that profession with my last child. He almost killed us. There really should be a better screening process for that profession. I also have a stalker who thinks she's still in high school. It's just ridiculous.
On a side note, I will post the BSF button with my post next week. I don't know how much it will help, but we'll give it a shot.
I'm a new follower and I love your page. I wonder what kind of idiot-ass doctor would send a pregnant woman home in that condition?!?!?!
Have a fucking awesome weekend!
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