Tuesday, November 10, 2009


My friend AngeliStarr has turned me onto a new group here in the World Wide Web.

It is called To Cute To Be This Fat, and I fell in love with it when I read it!

I'm joining, and WILL lose this weight that I want gone!! [Not much, only 20 pounds, but still!]

If you are wanting to lose a few pounds too check out Nina's Blog and be sure to follow her on Twitter!


AngeliStarr said...

HEHE!!! I hope I lose the 30 lbs i want gone too. I keep saying I will but so far, no good.

Alissa Grosso said...

Good luck with your goals. I did blog about some different goals of mine earlier this year and then went and met those goals. So, there is some power to putting things in print.

Lothiriel said...

I lost 55 pounds prior to getting pregnant. I gained 40 during my pregnancy. In total I have to lose 70.
I was almost there; then I got pregnant.