Wednesday, September 30, 2009


~ I feel like crap.

~I'm wearing a Teal dress with white leggings. The leggings go all the way to my ankles.

~ I'm actually NOT wearing eye shadow. Just a little black eyeliner. (Told you I feel like crap!)

~ We have baseball practice. I bet it will be cold.

~ I really need to re-do my nails. They are steel gray with little cosmo's on them. They look awful! First try!!

~ I saw that the writting prompt for today is "If you were a photographer, what would you photograph?" Damn it! I SHOULD be a photographer!!

~ Is 4 days before The Man's birthday! I got him the BEST presents ever! He loves to cook, so I got him a 38 piece glass storage set, a 18 piece Emeril Lagasse dish set, and a counter top pizza over!! He's going to LOVE it all!!

~ I weighed myself. NOT happy with what I saw. =[

~ Is the start of "Operation Get Back On Your Diet"!!

~ Will be the last Wednesday with some of the puppies. They will be 6 weeks old Tuesday, and are going to their new homes. I don't know how I will cope.

~ Marks the 1 week without Kasey. (My MIL's dog who passed away.) She still is having a really hard time with it.

~ Will be a better day once I get off work, get through practice and get home in my bed!!

               * Thank you for letting me complain!


Tracie said...

It feels good to vent it all out, doesn't it? I'm so glad my boys aren't doing baseball this year. It took up all of my free time.

AngeliStarr said...

"it feels good to vent it all out" - ditto

Lothiriel said...

I used to start dieting on Mondays, but by Wednesday, I was already breaking a diet. LOL! they never worked for me. I simply started counting calories and still ate well-balanced meals.