Sunday, December 13, 2009


Hey ya'll!! I wanted to give ya'll a Christmas present this year, so I have decided to do a Christmas Contest!!!

To enter, there are a few rules.....

#1. You MUST be a follower of my blog!!!

#2 You must post a bolg about my contest.

And #3. In that blog, you must post your funniest Christmas moment and link me below to the post!

The top TWO winners will win the BEST MOVIE EVER for Christmas!!! (Trust me it's so worth it!!)

The winners will be selected by Patrick, the Boys and myself on December 18th and will be shipped on December 19th PRIORIY MAIL so it will be received BY December 22!!

CLUE TO THE MOVIE "I'm singing!! I'm in a store and I'm SINGING!! I'm in a store and I'm SINGING!!!!



Lothiriel said...

Cool!! I gotta think of the funny things that happened at Chrismtas.

Just Jen said...

Awesome!! Let me know when you are posted!