Monday, December 13, 2010

Blocked. [Pictures!]

I'm thinking everyone is going through some type of writers block right now.

Last week, I saved a draft for Wicked Wednesday, so that is ready.

I started on my post for BSF this weekend, so that's in the works.

Everything is ready for my winners post for my Camera Strap Giveaway,
that ends tomorrow at midnight,
except for the winner.

I just can't think of anything witty to post about today,
and after taking the weekend off,
I always feel like I should post something on Monday,
so this is what you get

Random Pictures!!

Before I dyed my hair this Fall:

And after!

After I let The Man cut my hair:

Here he is, ladies....
The Man!!

Here is Little Man around 4 years old:

And Little Man in July this year.
Cute, ain't he?

Monkey has ALWAYS loved snakes!
[About a year old. 2 snakes on him.]

He's my Little Fucker!

Yes, we let them play in the living room!

Little Man was Jigsaw for Halloween this year.

Monkey was with his dad,
so here is Monkey and his new snake, A.K.!!

[He looks just like me, huh?!]

Hopefully, I'll think of something profound to write about tomorrow,
So till then.....


Ladii said...

I do think everyone is blocked, and being tired doesnt help out one bit. I finally got around to writing my Review after like 2 weeks of having the product, only cuz yesterday was my day off

Amy J said...

I am going through the same thing! Of course I can always find something to bitch about and it seems to find its way to my blog posts! LOL

Momma Fargo said...

You all have to be the most beautiful family! Love your hair as well! The MAN does pretty good. Blocked happens.

The Queen said...

Blocked here,, and the bad thing is,, my readers have readers block.. I haven't had anyone on except Royals and employees... I think we get readers block around this time of year. We have so little time before we have to be here for a Christmas.. or there for Christmas,, or a program.. or shopping.. or wrapping....

it will all be fine after the first of the year..

Stephanie Faris said...

You're beautiful whether brunette or blond! I do like you as a brunette, though. Very sophisticated.

I think it's hard to focus on anything right now with so much craziness all around us!

jules said...

I love your hair brunette! (But blonde is good too!) OMG your little one dressed like Jigsaw?!?! SO scary!!!

Unknown said...

Perfect time of year to be blocked, lol. I enjoyed meeting your family! Cute boys! Love the Jigsaw costume!